Scratchpad III Wiki
  • [first lines, as Sean the Sheep screams in the rain]
  • Narrator: Well, you take a look at that? Pretty pathetic, huh? Well, you'll never believe this, but that sheep you're looking at was once a human being. And not just any human being. That guy was an emperor. A rich, powerful ball of charisma. Oh, yeah! This is his story. Well, actually, my story. That's right. I'm that sheep. The name is Rodney. Rodney Copperbottom. I was the world's nicest guy, and they ruined my life for no reason. Oh, is that hard to believe? Look, I'll tell you what. You go back a ways, you know, before I was a sheep and this will all make sense.
  • [cut to baby Rodney Copperbottom]
  • Narrator: All right, now see. That's a little too far back. Oh! Look at me. That's me as a baby.
  • [the baby cries]
  • Narrator: [clears throat] All right, let's move ahead.
  • [the music begins "Perfect World" playing]