Scratchpad III Wiki

minotoro as yakko warner

rikochet as wakko warner

buena girl as dot warner

ensalada de frutas as pinky

the flea as the brain

cindy slam as slappy squirrel

el perrito as skippy squirrel

snow pea as mindy

potato potata jr. as button

french twist as dr. otto scratchansniff

la flamencita as hello nurse

dragonfly as minerva mink

la pinata as rita

zero kelvin as runt

megawatt as flavio hippo

electricity as marita hippo

el gundumo as bobby

double ninja ninja as pesto

tic tac toe as colin

sonic sumo as thaddeus plotz

chinche as ralph the guard

mr. flea as squit

masked dog as newt

prima donna hodge as lana

la pulguita as kiki

senor hasbeena as chicken boo

el rey as godfeather

lone star as the mime

penny plutonium as katie ka-boom

headmistress as sasha

All items (2)
