Scratchpad III Wiki


  •  : (He is now squished into the texture of cookie dough, covered with shoe-prints. The policemen pick him up and put him in a cage) Come on, I was just kidding. Come on, you guys knew that, didn't you? With the helmets and the big monuments...Wasn't that hilarious, everybody? (His cage is put in a police car, which drives away) I will destroy all of you! (Everyone that was watching)
  •  : Well, Widget, I have to admit, you were right. Your compassion for these sea creatures proved a most admirable trait. Without it, I would have never again seen my beloved crown. I think you're going to make a fine ruler of the sea one day. Now, let's go home. (Turns to leave, but is stopped by Widget)
  • : Walden, haven't you forgotten something?
  • : Huh? What? Oh, uh... Oh, yeah. Bot, I forgot to unfreeze you.
  • : What the...?
  • : Oops. I guess I had it set to "real boy" ending. (Sets it right) Oh, I'm sorry for falsely freezing you, Bot. And may I say, sir, you are a very lucky fellow to have in your employ such a brave, faithful, and heroic young lads. Where is he, anyway?
  • : I'm up here. (We see him hanging from ropes)
  • : I'm on it. (Gets Perro & Gato down)
  • : Go to him now, Bot. Embrace him. (Bot walks over to Perro & Gato)
  • Bot: Toopy, me boy. I'm sorry I ever doubted ye. That's a mistake I won't make again.
  • Oh, Fry, you old soft-serve. (They hug)
  • And now, Bob, I'm gonna do something that I should've done six days ago. Mr. Cleveland! Front and center, please. (Cleveland comes) I think we all know who rightfully deserves to wear that manager pin. (Looks at Bob)
  • I couldn't agree more, sir.
  • ???: Hooray for Toopy!
  • (Cheering)
  • Wait a second, everybody. There's something I need to say first. I just don't know how to put it.
  • I think I know what it is. After going on your life-changing journey, you now realize you don't want what you thought you wanted. What you really wanted was inside you all along.
  • Are you crazy? (Grabs manager pin) I was just gonna tell you that your fly is down! (Kermit's eyes widen) Manager, this is the greatest day of my life! (The credits begin rolling as songs play)